If you desire loving support in exploring and pursuing your Life Purpose, and connect deeply with other awakened people in a small, intimate group of 5-8 people, please fill in your email address, first name, time zone and (initially) weekly availability below (please note that it is a 24 hour clock, not AM and PM):
There is no cost for participating in a Life Purpose Group. We only ask that you honor the Participation Agreement, including your commitment to appear in weekly meetings for at least two months as your authentic and loving Self. The group can choose to skip a meeting due to holidays or conflicting personal requirements.
The group members co-create the meetings themselves with help from the Guidelines. Everyone needs to show up and be an active contributor. Nobody can only be an observer or a temporary visitor.
The Support team offers our time and the little money needed as a gift of love to all of humanity. We will not share your email address with anybody outside the members of our groups.