Exploring and pursuing the meaning of your life may be the most tender part to exchange with strangers. Many of us, through social conditioning, have become shut down as to how we feel and what we desire, feeling unsafe to even know, let alone share, the BIGNESS of our Life Purpose. Here are guidelines for a simple and supportive group process to assist each Group member in opening to claim and pursue your Life Purpose as the energy that has animated your life journey all along. This process will also allow you to experience group coherence, a shared resonant field of love which connects us in a higher vibrational energy that we can experience alone. Please read through the Participation Agreement and enjoy being together to support the expression of each others’ Life Purposes.
Recommended Group size: 5-8 people
Recommended duration of meetings: 1½ hours
Recommended frequency of meetings: Initially weekly, with option to reduce frequency later
The group process moves in three steps: