Clarify purpose, build resonant field and group unity
- The Facilitator who volunteered at the previous meeting
- starts the meeting when everybody are present and the time feels right
- states the purpose of the meeting
- facilitates a connecting meditation – with a volunteer or by him-/herself
- invites everybody to a brief check-in about their situation/state of mind (less than 1 minute)
- The Facilitator’s role is to allow the the group’s collective intelligence, including the Universal spirit, to guide how the meeting evolves.
- There are no hard rules for the meetings, other than caring for each other with tenderness.
- The Facilitator is a servant to the group. There is nobody in charge.
- The Facilitator encourages an open dialogue, where everybody can express their intuition. This is the best way to move forward, e.g., about how to spend your time together in a meeting.
- There are no strict rules or time allocations. E.g., it is fine if a person who is “center stage” uses 5 minutes or 45 minutes to present themself and reflect on where they currently see themself in their life. We are patient and flexible, and in no rush.
- In concluding the session, the Facilitator:
- Returns to the guidelines for the Personal Exploration Sessions
- Checks if everyone can participate in the next session, or postpones this until everyone is available.
- Asks for a volunteering Facilitator for the next gathering in case someone else feels called to this.